To download a recording: fom your echo360 library, hover your cursor on the recording, then click the menu arrow (). from the drop-down menu, click download. the choose your download pop-up window will open. select the video feed you wish to download, or to download only the audio, select the speaker (). the selected media will be highlighted. Echo360 and the moodle (wattle) block plug-in’, allows echo360 to be integrated with the anu learning management systems to made lecture recordings available to students. !echo360 safecapture the echo360 safecapture hardware device (schd) will be installed in the av rack in a number of lecture theatres across anu.. Be sure to see links to the left of this page for instructions on saving your echo360 files via download, using features such as bookmarks and discussions, and using personal capture on a windows or macintosh computer. requests and recordings requests for recording a lecture or presentation must be submitted in advance via the online form:.
View and download lecture recordings | unsw current students
Re: how to doownload streamed lecture recordings from echo360 there should be an option in echo that says "download audio file". all my recordings do anyway, i'll have a look for you once i finish this lecture where exactly this is located.. Getting started with unsw lecture recordings+. as of semester 2 2017, the new unsw lecture recordings + service will be powered by a new cloud-based platform known as echo360. keep in mind that an instructor can choose to remove view/download access to a recording at any time.. Echo360 is the only video platform for education with universal capture, a simple and intuitive capture interface for all your video recording and streaming needs. so easy and intuitive that it requires no instructor or student training for any video need from personal screen recording to campus.