A guide on how to open the sewer safe in resident evil 2 remake. this safe uses a combination code.. This page contains every resident evil 2 remake (re2) combination, code, or solution for every safe, dial lock, or similar code-input device. it's important to note that all re2 safe combos and. The final resident evil 2 remake locker can be found much, much later in the game after you’ve escaped the raccoon police station and entered the sewers section of the game..
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Resident evil 2 remake - dial lock code at upper floor control room in sewers. resident evil 2 remake - dial lock code at upper floor control room in sewers. skip navigation sign in.. Resident evil 2 remake guide – lockers, safe combinations, leon’s desk, and portable safes by kirk mckeand, friday, 1 march 2019 11:20 gmt share on: facebook twitter reddit google+. Resident evil 2: remake is full of hidden lockers, safes, and portable safes that all have different codes to unlock. in this guide, we give you all of the combinations so you can unlock them.