Resident evil 2 / biohazard re:2 "1-shot demo" global achievements % of all players. total achievements: 6 you must be logged in to compare these stats to your own 85.9%. 5 minutes played 5 minutes played. 80.8%. 10 minutes played 10 minutes played. 76.2%. 15 minutes played. Capcom has confirmed that over one million people have now downloaded the resident evil 2 1-shot demo, with the number of players worldwide currently clocked at 1,423,667 according to stats on Achievements, guides, leaderboards, and discussion forums for resident evil 2 / biohazard re:2 "1-shot demo".
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Full list of resident evil 2 "1-shot demo" achievements and guides to unlock them. the game has 6 achievements and takes around 0-1 hour to complete. This video is unavailable. watch queue queue. watch queue queue. Resident evil 2 biohazard re:2 1-shot demo. there are 6 resident evil 2 biohazard re:2 1-shot demo achievements worth 60. 0 tracked gamers have this game, no one has completed it (0%).